The HCCH carries out a wide variety of projects for the research, preservation, valorization and presentation of cultural heritage. One of the focal points is the exploration and critical reflection of the UNESCO World Heritage system. HCCH's research projects are diverse and always interdisciplinary. They often combine theoretical and practical aspects and are frequently conceived and carried out together with (non-university) cooperation partners.

Current research focus
- The UNESCO World Heritage System
- Digital Heritage
- Innovative forms of valorization and presentation of cultural heritage
- Social handling of “problematic” and “negative” heritage
- Cultural Heritage in Contemporary Culture
- Social institutionalization of cultural heritage restitution
To all current publications
The HCCH carries out - usually together with cooperation partners - projects for research, preservation, valorization and presentation of the cultural heritage or participates in such projects. In addition, the HCCH publishes publications on these topics, which are aimed both at scholars and at a broader public.