Learning + Teaching
Cultural heritage encompasses all human cultural assets in both tangible and intangible form. Their permanent preservation is the task of cultural heritage protection. The master's degree program in Cultural Heritage and the Protection of Cultural Property teaches basic skills in dealing with tangible and intangible cultural heritage and the fundamentals of cultural property protection. In doing so, it places equal emphasis on a contemporary foundation in cultural studies and on the acquisition of practical skills by the students.

Current Information
The MA program “Cultural Heritage and the Protection of Cultural Property”
Based at the Faculty of Philosophy, the Master's program “Cultural Heritage and the Protection of Cultural Property” covers the field of cultural heritage and cultural property protection in its entire breadth. At Heidelberg University, students can draw on a wide range of courses from numerous disciplines that deal with manifold forms of tangible or intangible cultural heritage. Representatives of numerous important cultural and scientific institutions, governmental institutions for the protection of cultural property on a regional, national and international level, as well as investigative authorities are regularly involved in the course offerings and contribute significantly to integrating subject-related professional practice into the teaching.
The target group of the program is primarily graduates of the humanities and cultural sciences; it enables students to develop an independent research profile in the field of cultural heritage. Students from other subjects acquire key competencies from the field of cultural studies. The interdisciplinary, theoretically-conceptually informed and practice-oriented course of study demands a high degree of self-organization from its students and a willingness to engage intensively with different topics and approaches.
Doctoral subject “Cultural Heritage Studies”
As a central research institution of Heidelberg University, HCCH offers an institutional framework for the PhD in Heritage Studies as an individual doctorate. Please contact the departmental student advisor if you have any questions about this.
Subject Advisory Service
Subject Advisory Service
Kristina Sieckmeyer M.A.
+49 6221 54-3090
Appointments by arrangement