Heidelberg Center for Cultural HeritageAbout Us

The “Heidelberg Center for Cultural Heritage” (HCCH), founded in 2013, is one of Heidelberg University’s central research institutions.

The HCCH serves to promote the sustainable integration and long-term expansion of Heidelberg University’s existing competencies in the field of tangible and intangible cultural heritage. The HCCH’s key tasks include analysing, documenting, cataloguing, maintaining, exhibiting and placing this cultural heritage in a lively, modern context together with numerous non-university cooperation partners.

Tasks and focal points at a glance

The MA program “Cultural Heritage and the protection of Cultural Property” at HCCH is primarily aimed at graduates of the humanities and cultural sciences and enables them to develop an independent research profile in the field of cultural heritage. The MA covers the field of “Cultural Heritage and Cultural Property Protection” in its entire breadth, whereby the University of Heidelberg can draw on a wide range of courses from numerous disciplines that deal with diverse forms of tangible or intangible cultural heritage. Prof. Dr. Thomas Schmitt, Professor for Cultural Heritage and Cultural Property Protection, and Prof. Dr. Stephanie Döpper, Professor for Cultural Heritage, represent the program.

The HCCH is affiliated with four university Studies of the Ancient World collections: the Collection of Casts and Classical Antiquities (supervised by the Institute for Classical Archaeology), the Egyptian Collection (supervised by the Institute for Egyptology), the Numismatic Collection (supervised by the Department of Ancient History and Epigraphy) and the Uruk Warka Collection (on permanent loan from the German Archaeological Institute and supervised by the Institute of Assyriology).

The aim of the HCCH is to provide an academic answer to the manifold challenges that arise with regard to research into and the preservation of the cultural heritage of mankind by establishing an inter- and transdisciplinary competence network.


People A–Z

Further Information

The HCCH's Central Office

The central office takes over all administrative and coordination tasks of the HCCH, coordinates the exchange of information among the members of the HCCH as well as the joint events, and conducts the public relations of the HCCH in coordination with the Communications and Marketing Office of the University.

HCCH Members

At the HCCH, scientific institutions of Heidelberg University (as institutional or associate members), non-university institutions (as associate members) and individual scientists (as personal members) participate and cooperate with each other in various projects.